Monitoring Oracle Scheduler
There are various techniques available from the interface and related tools to monitor Oracle Scheduler. Refer to Monitoring Jobs for additional advice.
Note: Any product job can also be monitored using the Batch Run Tree, JMX interface or through the Oracle Utilities Batch Server target page within Oracle Enterprise Manager through the Application Management Pack for Oracle Utilities.
Job States
When any job is waiting to be executed, executing, completed, or errored, the scheduler updates the state of the job in its job tables. These states are available from the tools mentioned earlier in various forms. The states that are raised are documented in Monitoring Job State with Events Raised by the Scheduler.
Dictionary Views
The most common technique for monitoring the scheduler itself is the provided Scheduler Data Dictionary Views. These views not only provide details of the Oracle Scheduler Objects but can provide execution information. There are two views that are of particular interest for executions:
*_SCHEDULER_RUNNING_CHAINS - Show all chains that have active jobs.
*_SCHEDULER_RUNNING_JOBS - Show state information for all jobs running at present.
These views are accessible from any SQL product or through Oracle Enterprise Manager through the Administration, Oracle Scheduler Home menu item on the database target used by the Oracle Scheduler.
Scheduler Notifications
One of the features of the Oracle Scheduler is that it is possible to send an email based upon the state of a job within the scheduler. This is based upon the state of the job and the email format can be customized based upon the state. For more information and examples of the capability refer to Monitoring Job State with E-mail Notifications.
The Oracle Scheduler Interface includes the OUAF_NOTIFY job that can be used as a template.