Defining Application Services
Please refer to Application Security for a description of how application services are used when you grant user groups access rights to transactions. Refer to Action Level Security for more information about the significance of an application service's access modes.
You can access the portal using Admin > Security > Application Service. You are brought to a query portal with options for searching for a specific application service. Once a record has been selected you are brought to the maintenance portal to view and maintain the selected record.
When introducing a new record, carefully consider its naming convention. Refer to System Data Naming Convention for more information.
The Application Service zone provides the information about the application service and its access modes.
The Secured Objects zone displays the object (or objects) that are secured by this application service. Refer to Application Security for details about the types of objects that may be secured.
Application Security
The Application Security tab includes zones to view and manage which user groups have access to the application service and which ones do not have access.
The User Groups Linked zone lists the user groups that currently have a link to the application service. Note that expired links are included when the zone is first displayed. Use the zone filters to exclude expired links and to limit the user groups shown by user ID, user group ID, and user group description.
Click the Description link in the zone results to navigate to the User Group - Users page for the adjacent user group. This allows you to add or remove users linked to the user group.
Click the Deny Access action to remove the Application Service's link to the selected user groups in the zone results.
The User Groups not Linked zone lists the user groups that do not have a link to the application service. Use the zone filters to limit the user groups shown by user ID, user group ID, and user group description.
The following actions are available:
Click the Description link in the zone results to navigate to the User Group - Users page for the adjacent user group.
Click the Grant Access action to add the Application Service's link to the selected user groups in the zone results. A pop-up window allows you to enter the expiration date for the link and to selectively remove access modes from the link.