Monitoring the Schedule and Performing Erasure
The erasure schedule is managed using the lifecycle of the erasure record’s business object. A deferred monitor process is used to periodically check for records that are due for erasure and transition them from the ‘pending erasure’ state to the ‘erased’ state. An enter plug in on the ‘erased’ state is responsible for performing the erasure logic.
The system provides a 'root' business object for the object erasure schedule (F1-ErasureScheduleRoot) which defines the lifecycle that erasure schedule business objects should follow. The system also provides a monitor process (F1-OESMN) which is configured on the ‘pending erasure’ state of the ‘root’ business object. This process is configured to monitor object erasure schedule records whose erasure date is on or before the batch business date.
Maintenance objects that are eligible for erasure should be configured with an erasure schedule business object that uses the ‘root’ business object as its parent. The algorithm that performs the erasure processing applicable to that maintenance object must be plugged in on the ‘erased’ state of the ‘child’ business object.
The system provides an erasure schedule business object (F1-ErasureScheduleCommon) which is designed to erase an object by deleting the main record and any child records. Your product may supply additional erasure schedule business objects for certain use cases. Refer to your product specific documentation for more information.