Defining a Migration Plan
To view or define a migration plan, navigate using Admin > Implementation Tools > Migration Plan.
Use the Migration Plan Query portal to search for an existing migration plan. Once a migration plan is selected, you are brought to the maintenance portal to view and maintain the selected record.
Important! If you introduce a new migration plan, carefully consider its naming convention. Refer to System Data Naming Convention for more information.
The following points provide information about defining Instructions for a migration plan.
The Instruction Sequence uniquely identifies the instruction. The recommendation is to use increments of 10 to allow insertion of other instructions in the future.
Select Primary for the first Instruction Type. All migration plans must contain one and only one primary instruction. All subsequent instructions require a Subordinate instruction type. In this case, the Parent Instruction Sequence must be entered. This number, used to maintain the defined relationships in the exported data, must match an instruction sequence number at a higher level in the hierarchy.
The instruction Description provides a business description of the instruction.
Select a Business Object (BO) to define the type of object from which data will be derived.
Though BOs are specified in each instruction, it's important to understand that each BO is used only for filtering purposes. The migrated data set comprises the complete contents of the maintenance object that the business object structure is defined against. For a more detailed explanation of this, see Understanding the BO Filtering Process.
Refer to Identifying Tables to Exclude From Migrations for information about defining child tables to always exclude from a migration.
Traversal Criteria is used to define the relationship between each of the objects in a migration plan. The system provides three options to define how the child object is connected to the parent object so the system knows how to traverse from one object to another. Traversal Criteria Type options are Constraint, SQL and XPath. The following points explain each option:
Constraint allows you to select a table constraint that represents a given record's relationship to another record in the system via a foreign key constraint defined in the meta-data. If Constraint is selected, the following additional fields are enabled:
Constraint ID is a unique identifier for the constraint. The search will show the valid table constraints for the MO of the instruction's BO and the MO of the parent instruction's BO.
Constraint Owner is used to define the owner of the constraint. This is populated automatically when selecting a constraint from the search.
SQL lets you specify SQL join criteria between the parent instruction’s object and the child object in the SQL Traversal Criteria. The syntax of the the traversal criteria is a WHERE clause (without including the word WHERE). When referring to a field on the parent instruction’s object, use the syntax #PARENT.TABLE_​NAME.FIELD_​NAME. When referring to a field on the current instruction’s object, use the syntax #THIS.TABLE_​NAME.FIELD_​NAME. For example, the following statement is used on a migration plan for Business Object, where the parent instruction is the BO and the subordinate instruction is used to reference the UI Map that is referred to as a BO option with the option type "F1DU":#PARENT.F1_​BUS_​OBJ_​OPT.BUS_​OBJ_​OPT_​FLG = 'F1DU' AND @trim(#THIS.F1_​MAP.MAP_​CD) = @trim(#PARENT.F1_​BUS_​OBJ_​OPT.BUS_​OBJ_​OPT_​VAL).
The XPath option lets you apply syntax in an XPath expression referencing elements in the instructions' referenced business objects. This is entered in the XPath Traversal Criteria. For example, the display map collection statement in the SQL example noted above would be written as follows in XPath: #this/mapCd = #parent/businessObjectOption/businessObjectOptionValue AND #parent/businessObjectOption/businessObjectOptionType = 'F1DU'. This technique allows foreign key references that are mapped inside an XML column to be referenced.
The #parent expressions may access elements that are stored in an XML column and described using mapXML and mdField. However, the #this expressions must refer to fields available in the business object using the mapField reference.
Defining Next Migration Plan provides the ability to indicate that in addition to copying the object defined in the instruction, any additional instructions included in that referenced migration plan will also be included in an export.
The Algorithms grid contains algorithms associated with each instruction. You must define the following for each algorithm:
Specify the System Event with which the algorithm is associated (see the table that follows for a description of all possible events).
Specify the Sequence and Algorithm for each system event. You can set the Sequence to 10 unless you have a System Event that has multiple Algorithms. In this case, you need to tell the system the Sequence in which they should execute.
System Event
Optional / Required
Algorithms of this type may be used to adjust the data after it is moved to the target system. These may only be defined on the primary instruction.
Refer to Adjusting Imported Data for more information.
Algorithms of this type are no longer supported.