Current To Do Zone
The Current To Do zone is designed to streamline the process of working on To Do entries from assignment to completion. It displays key information about the user's current To Do entry and provides functions that help minimize the number of steps it takes to resolve the entry and potentially other entries related to it.
The following sections provide more detail about the zone.
Next To Do Assignment
Users may have the option to click the Assign me a To Do button to request the next To Do entry they should work on. This functionality is optional and can be configured to follow your organization's business rules in determining the next task for a user. For example, if your organization practices work distribution "on demand", this feature can be configured to find the highest priority entry a user can work on and assign it to the user. Refer to work distribution for more information on this business practice.
Note:Next To Do Assignment Rules Are In A Plug-in. Refer to Installation Options for more information on how to configure the system to take advantage of this function.
If the system is successful in determining the next entry the user should work on, this entry becomes the user's current To Do and its information is displayed on the zone.
User’s Current To Do
The user's current To Do may be set using the Next Assignment algorithm, or by drilling in on a To Do from the To Do List or To Do Search page as described in A User's Current To Do. Once a current To Do has been set, the zone displays details related to the To Do.
The Message describes why the entry exists. The message description allows the user to drill into the page on which the entry's respective object is displayed. For example, if the entry is associated with an asset that needs review, the user is brought to the asset page to view the information and potentially take action. If the To Do type has been configured to associate a script with this To Do entry's message number, then instead of being taken to the respective page, the associated script is launched.
Info displays the standard To Do information. An icon Comments icon appears if there are comments on the To Do and a Log Entry icon Log Entry icon appears if there is a log entry of type Forwarded, Sent Back or User Details on the To Do. The description drills into the To Do entry page allowing the user to view more information about the entry or make changes to it as needed.
The user may use the Complete button in the zone to complete the current entry.
Next / Previous Buttons
The Previous and Next buttons are enabled on this zone under the following conditions:
The user selected an entry either on the To Do List page or the To Do Search page.
At least one other entry exists below (for Next) or above the entry selected (for Previous).
Clicking Next or Previous will bring the user to the transaction indicated on the To Do Entry's message, where its respective object is displayed. It also makes that To Do the Current To Do displayed in the zone.
Keyboard Shortcut
Alternate Shortcut
Previous To Do
Next To Do
Refer to Shortcut Key Summary for information about the alternate shortcut.
When a user drills down on a To Do entry from the To Do List page, the system automatically changes the status of the entry to Being Worked. If Next To Do or Previous To Do is subsequently used to scroll through this list, the system does not change the To Do entry's status. To change the status of these entries, the user must navigate to the To Do List. On this page, multiple entries may be selected and their status changed with a single user-interface action.
Related To Do Entries
If the To Do entry has non-complete related entries a summary Related To Do description appears. The description states the total number of related entries, how many are still in Open, how many are assigned to current user and how many assigned to others. This hyperlink navigates to the To Do Search query allowing the user to review the related entries. At this point the user may decide to assign entries that can be positively identified as being caused by the same problem as the current To Do also to himself.
If at least one related To Do entry is Open or also assigned to the current user, the Complete All button is visible. If the user determines that the related To Do entries have been resolved with the appropriate action taken, the button may be used to complete in one step the current entry and all related entries that are Open or assigned to the current user.
If the related entries are not resolved with one action, the user may opt to use the Complete button to complete the current entry alone and work on related entries one at a time. Using the related To Do information hyperlink the user may navigate to the To Do search page and drill into the first related To Do to work on using the message hyperlink. This entry now becomes the user's current To Do and the Next and Previous action buttons are set to scroll through the related entries list.