User - Favorite Links
This page is used to define a user's favorite transactions and URLs. Each such link appears as an entry in the Favorite Links Zone in the Dashboard area.
Note:A hot key can be used to execute a favorite link. Rather than clicking a button in the favorite links zone, you can invoke your first nine favorite links by pressing Ctrl + a number (where the number corresponds with the relative position of the transaction in your list of favorites). Note that the numeric keypad on your keyboard cannot be used to implement this function.
Open the User page and then navigate to the Favorite Links tab to modify a user’s favorite links.
Description of Page
Note:You may not be able to change your favorite links. If a Note appears beneath your User ID, your user id has been setup to reference a specific Favorites Profile User as defined on the Main tab. If a system administrator has setup your user ID in this way, your preferences may not be changed. System administrators may apply this feature in order to enforce a common look-and-feel throughout the user community.
Each row references a Navigation Option. The navigation options supplied with the base package correspond with the system's menu items. This means you can setup a favorite link to open any transaction in the system (in either add or update mode).
Note:Favorite links can point to other places. The navigation options supplied with the base package always open a transaction's Main tab. If you find yourself continually accessing a different tab page, you can have your implementation team create a new navigation option that references the desired tab page. Once this navigation option is set up, you can reference it as one of your favorite links. In addition, it's also possible for your implementation team to setup navigation options that open a URL outside of the system. For example, your implementation team could setup a navigation option to a credit rating company's website. Once this navigation option is set up, you can reference it as one of your favorite links.
Use a Sequence to control the order in which the navigation option appears in the Favorite Links Zone.
Security Access indicates if you have been given security rights to the respective transaction. Refer to The Big Picture Of Application Security for more information.
Note:Favorite Links vs. Bookmarks. Favorite links are configured through the user page and define pages that a user can navigate to. They do not define context (although some pages may use information currently in global context when navigating). Some users may not be allowed to configure their own favorite links and would see the favorite links associated with a profile user. Bookmarks are created using a bookmark button available on each page. The bookmark saves navigation information, context information and also captures some information about the state of a page. Bookmarks are not governed by any user profile configuration.