Defining Key Rings
Refer to Understanding Key Rings for an overview of key ring functionality.
To maintain the key rings applicable to your product or implementation, open Admin > Security > Key Ring.
This is an All-in-One portal and includes the standard List and display zones for a key ring.
The information captured on the key ring depends on the business objects supported by your product or implementation. Refer to the embedded help text for more information.
Key Zones
The key zones provide information about the keys that are associated with the key ring. The zones displayed and the available actions depend on the type of key. Refer to embedded help for more information.
Key Rotation
For internal keys, it is recommended to practice key rotation and generate new keys periodically. New key pairs are generated in the Pending state. The user should register the public key of the new key pair with the associated third party. Once that is done, the new key should be activated.
For external keys, new public keys are added in the Active state. The previously active key is set to Expiring and may be inactivated when no further processing needs to refer to it.