To Do Type - Algorithms
The To Do Algorithms page defines the algorithms that should be executed for a given To Do type.
To maintain this information, select Admin > To Do Type > Search and navigate to the Algorithms page.
Description of Page
The grid contains Algorithms that control important To Do functions. If you haven't already done so, you must set up the appropriate algorithms in your system. You must define the following for each algorithm:
Specify the System Event with which the algorithm is associated (see the table that follows for a description of all possible events).
Specify the Sequence Number and Algorithm for each system event. You can set the Sequence Number to 10 unless you have a System Event that has multiple Algorithms. In this case, you need to tell the system the Sequence in which they should execute.
The following table describes each System Event.
System Event
Optional / Required
Calculate Priority
Algorithms of this type may be used to calculate a To Do entry's priority. Refer to The Priority of a To Do Entry for more information on when this plug-in is called.
Note that it is not the responsibility of the algorithms to actually update the To Do entry with the calculated priority value but rather only return the calculated value. The system carries out the update as necessary.
If more than one algorithm is plugged-in the system calls them one by one until the first to return a calculated priority.
External Routing
Algorithms of this type may be used to route a To Do entry to an external system.
The base package F1-TDEER background process invokes the algorithms for every To Do entry that its type references the process as the Routing Process and that the entry was not already routed. The background process marks an entry as routed by updating it with the batch control's current run number.
If more than one algorithm is plugged-in the batch process calls them one by one until the first to indicate the To Do entry was routed.
To Do Information
We use the term "To Do information" to describe the basic information that appears throughout the system to describe a To Do entry. The data that appears in "To Do information" is constructed using this algorithm.
Plug an algorithm into this spot to override the "To Do information" algorithm on installation options or the system default "To Do information" if no such algorithm is defined on installation options.
To Do Monitor
Algorithms of this type are executed by the To Do Monitor background process and may be used to periodically review a To Do entry and perform actions, if needed. Refer to Monitoring a To Do Entry for more information.
To Do Post-Processing
Algorithms of this type may be used to validate and/or further process a To Do entry that has been added or updated.
To Do Pre-Creation
Algorithms of this type are called when a To Do entry is being added. Refer to Refining a To Do Entry's Details at Creation Time for more information. To Do Type pre-creation algorithms override the Installation level pre-creation algorithms.