Identifying Tables to Exclude From Migrations
Some maintenance objects that are eligible to be migrated may include child tables that should not be included in the migration. For example, if an object includes log tables, the entries in the log should reflect the actions on the object in that system, and will be different between the source system and the target system. If you have a custom Maintenance Object that includes tables you don't wish to migrate (such as a log table), use the Non-Migrated Table option on the MO to specify this table. All child records for this table will also be ignored during migration.
Another use case to consider is a child "many-to-many" table that connects two administrative objects and exists in the maintenance object of both tables. The child table may be in both MOs for convenience sake, but it may be that one MO is considered more of a "driver" object and the other more of a subordinate. If you are doing a migration where you want to copy a subset of objects, you may want to only copy the driver object and its children and their data but not their children. For example, a To Do Type includes a collection of valid To Do Roles and in turn the To Do Role refers to its To Do Types. If an implementation wants to copy a single To Do and include all its related information, including its To Do Roles, it does not want the migration of each To Do Role to in turn copy all its To Do Types (and their data).
The MO option must be set in both the Source and Target systems for a given MO.