A Business Object Has a Schema
A business object has elements. The elements are a logical view of fields and columns in one of the maintenance object’s tables. The structure of a business object is defined using an XML schema. The main purpose of the schema is to identify all the elements from the maintenance object that are included in the business object and map them to the corresponding maintenance object fields. Every element in the BO schema must be stored somewhere in the maintenance object. The BO may not define elements that are derived.
When defining elements for the primary table or the language table (for an administrative object) there is no need to define the name of the physical table in the schema. The system infers this information. The following is a snippet of a schema:
    <migrationPlan mapField="MIGR_PLAN_CD" suppress="true" isPrimeKey="true"/>
    <bo mapField="BUS_OBJ_CD" fkRef="F1-BUSOB"/>
    <customizationOwner mapField="OWNER_FLG" suppress="input"/>
    <version mapField="VERSION" suppress="true"/>
    <description mapField="DESCR"/>
    <longDescription mapField="DESCRLONG"/>
Many maintenance objects have child table collections (e.g., a collection of names for a person, or a collection of persons on an account). Depending on the requirements, the business object may define the full collection such that the user will maintain the information in a grid. However, the schema also supports “flattening” records in a child table so that they can be treated as if they were singular elements. The following are examples of each:
Example of a child table. This is a snippet of the Instructions collection on the migration plan business object. You can see that the list attribute defines the child table and all elements within it map to the appropriate column in that table.
   <migrationPlanInstruction type="list" mapChild="F1_MIGR_PLAN_INSTR">
         <migrationPlan mapField="MIGR_PLAN_CD" suppress="true"/>
         <sequence mapField="PLAN_INSTR_SEQ" suppress="true"/>
         <instructionSequence mapField="INSTR_SEQ"/>
         <instructionType mapField="INSTR_TYPE_FLG"/>
         <parentInstructionSequence mapField="PARENT_INSTR_SEQ"/>
         <businessObject mapField="BUS_OBJ_CD" fkRef="F1-BOMO"/>
Example of a simple “flattened” field. The business object for Status Reason includes an element called Usage, which maps to a pre-defined characteristic of type F1–SRUSG. The “row” defines which child table is being flattened and the attributes of the row in that child that uniquely identify it.
    <usage mdField="STATUS_RSN_USAGE" mapField="CHAR_VAL"> 
        <row mapChild="F1_BUS_OBJ_STATUS_RSN_CHAR"> 
            <CHAR_TYPE_CD is="F1-SRUSG"/>
            <SEQ_NUM is="1"/> 
Example of a “flattened row”. This business object for Account includes a single row for the Person collection where only the “financially responsible, main” customer is defined. The “accountPerson” attribute defines one field from that row (the Person Id) and includes the ‘flattening’ criteria in the “row” information. In addition, a second field from that same row (“accountRelType”) is defined. Instead of having to repeat the flattening criteria, the “rowRef” attribute identifies the element that includes the flattening.
    <accountPerson mapField="PER_ID">
        <row mapChild="CI_ACCT_PER">
            <MAIN_CUST_SW is="true"/>
            <FIN_RESP_SW default="true"/>
     <accountRelType mapField="ACCT_REL_TYPE_CD" rowRef="accountPerson" dataType="string"/>  
Example of a “flattened list”. The business object for Tax Bill Type includes an list of valid algorithms for “bill completion”. The Sequence and the Algorithm are presented in a list. The list element identifies the child table and the ‘rowFilter’ identifies the information about the list that is common.
       <taxBillCompletion type="list" mapChild="C1_TAX_BILL_TYPE_ALG">
         <rowFilter suppress="true" private="true">
             <TAX_BILL_TYPE_SEVT_FLG is="C1BC"/>
         <sequence mapField="SEQ_NUM"/>
         <algorithm mapField="ALG_CD" fkRef="F1-ALG"/>
In addition, many maintenance objects support an XML structure field within the entity. These fields may be of data type CLOB or XML. One or more business object elements may be mapped to the MO's XML structure field. These elements may be defined in different logical places in the business object schema based on what makes sense for the business rules. When updating the MO, the system builds a type of XML document that includes all the elements mapped to the XML structure and stores it in one column. The following is an example of elements mapped to an XML column:
        <filePath mdField="F1_FILE_PATH" mapXML="MST_CONFIG_DATA" required="true"/>
        <characterEncoding mdField="F1_CHAR_ENCODING" mapXML="MST_CONFIG_DATA"/> 
If the MO’s XML structure field is of the data type XML, the database will allow searching for records based on that data, assuming appropriate indexes are defined. If the MO’s XML structure field is of the data type CLOB, indexing or joining to elements in this column via an SQL statement is not typically supported. Note that most MOs are currently using the CLOB data type for the XML structure column, if provided.
Some business objects may have child tables that allow data to be stored in an XML structure field. The schema language supports defining elements from those fields in your schema as well.
Besides including information about the physical “mapping” of the element to its appropriate table / field location in the maintenance object, the schema supports additional syntax to provide the ability to define basic validation and data manipulation rules, including:
Identifying the primary key of the record or the primary key of the a row in a list.
Identifying which elements are required when adding or changing a record.
Default values when no data is supplied on an Add.
For elements that are lookup values, the lookup may be specified to validate that the value of the element is a valid lookup value.
For elements that are foreign keys to another table, the FK Reference may be specified to validate the data.
The system will check the validity of the data based on the schema definition obviating the need for any special algorithm to check this validation.
In addition, the schema language may include some attributes that are used to auto-render the view of the record on the user interface, such as the suppress attribute. Refer to BO Defines its User Interface for more information.
Refer to Schema Syntax for the complete list of the XML nodes and attributes available to you when you construct a schema.
A business object’s schema may include a subset of the fields and tables defined in the maintenance object. There are two reasons for this:
The fields or tables may not be applicable to the type of record the business object is governing. For example, a field that is specific to gas may not be included on a Device business object that is specific to electric meters.
The information is not maintained through the business object, but rather maintained separately. For example, many BO based maintenance objects include a Log table. The records in the log table are typically not included the BO because they are viewed and maintained separately from the business object.