Accessing Reports

Inside Opower contains various reports on customer data (such as lists of customers in a given energy efficiency wave) and customer engagement (such as how often customers interact with the products in your Oracle Utilities Opower program). You can access reports in Inside Opower from the Data tab under Reports.

Finding and Sorting Reports

  • You can search for a report by typing the title in the Name field and selecting a specific date range by using the From and To fields. As you type the name of the report, the table auto-refreshes and displays reports based on your search criteria.
  • You can sort all reports by Name, Date Generated, or File Size by clicking any one of those columns from the Reports table.
  • To clear previous search criteria, click Clear.

For more information about each available report, see the Inside Opower Product Overview.

Downloading Reports

To download a report, you can either click the download icon Inside Opower download iconfrom the Actions column or click the name of the report. Alternatively, you can use the link icon to copy a link to the report and send it to another person. The report is inside of a ZIP file, so you will need to unzip the file to access the report. You can open the report using Notepad or Microsoft Excel.

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