Scheduling Behavioral Demand Response Peak Events

The Peak Events page is where you can schedule new peak events and review the history of scheduled Behavioral Demand Response peak events. See Peak Events for more information.

Peak Event Days and Times

When you schedule a peak event, you have the option to select a peak event for today or tomorrow, and you can schedule peak events simultaneously by selecting today and tomorrow. You must schedule an event before the start time. You can schedule peak events for any day between 8 AM and 5 PM local time, but on weekends, you must schedule them by 9 AM.

User Segments

Segments of customers can receive pre-event communications. For example, if a single region requires calling a peak event and it is configured as Zone A, you can select Zone A from the available user segments to only send communications to those customers.

Note: These segments must be configured before the start of the summer season. Contact Your Delivery Team for assistance.

Scheduling a Peak Event

To schedule a peak event:

  1. Click the Peak Events tab and click Schedule a New Event.
  2. Under Days, select Today or Tomorrow, or both options.
  3. Under Peak time interval select a Start and End time.

    Note: You must schedule an event before the start time. For example, if you want to schedule an event that starts at 1 PM, you cannot schedule it at 1:45 PM. Contact your Delivery Team if you have questions.

  4. Under User segments, you must select one or more of the available zones.
  5. Click Create Event to finish scheduling the event.
  6. Click Send Communications to deliver communications.

    Note: Communications will be delivered immediately; therefore, you cannot cancel an event after clicking Send Communications.

Notify List

You can manage who receives communications about peak events from the Notify List page.

  • To add an email: Type the email address in the Add email to notify list field and click Add.
  • To delete an email: Click the trash can icon next to the email address.


The History page displays, if applicable, a list of past peak events. On the History Events table, you can see the date of the peak events, the peak time interval, and to which user segments the peak event was applicable. In addition, you can schedule new peak events by clicking Schedule New Event.

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