Installing the Script
The Conversion Setup Utility is provided to set up conversion schemas. Install Oracle 19c Client on the Windows desktop and configure SQLNet to connect to the target database. The Conversion folder includes the conversion setup utilities - ConvSetup.tar, scripts to create the users, and jarfiles.
ConversionSetup Java Usage
-a, --apply
Apply Conversion setup on Staging Schema. '-s' is mandatory if '-a' is passed
-d,--dbConnString <arg>
DB connection string: Any "jdbc:oracle:thin"supported format [example: HOST:PORT/SID | HOST:PORT:SERVICE | <TNSSTRING>]
-o,--output <arg>
Output Directory for the generated files. Directory will be created if it doesn't already exist.
-p,--prodSchema <arg>
Primary/Production Schema and credentials to connect: CIS_ADMIN,CIS_PSWD. [example: CISADM,CISADM]
Revert Conversion setup on Staging Schema. '-s' is mandatory if '-r' is passed
-s,--stgSchema <arg>
Staging Schema and Staging users:STG_ADMIN,STG_PSWD,STG_RW_USER [example: STGADM,STGADM,STGUSER]
This section of the document describes how to create the databases for the conversion tool kit.