Monitoring Regimes
Typically, the art of monitoring is the collection and analysis of various pieces of information and then making changes to the configuration to address any issues or problems that occur.
With the various monitoring facilities available in Oracle Utilities Market Settlements Management a combination that is valid for the site becomes a monitoring regime for that site. Typically, monitoring regimes pick up trends in the business or traffic volumes that require changes to the configuration. As part of the implementation of the product the monitoring regime for your site should be determined.
Typically, the monitoring regimes that are chosen fall into several categories:
Reactive - Monitoring for any exception after it happens and making changes to the configuration to prevent the exception from occurring again. This is the most common regime adopted by IT groups. The only problem with this approach is that you have to experience potentially threatening outages before stabilization happens.
Proactive - Setting monitoring tolerances so that exception conditions are recognized before they happen and making configuration changes to prevent them from happening. This is also known as Problem Anticipation or Problem Prevention. This is the goal of most of the IT groups to ensure high availability.
Mixed - This is a mixture of pro-active and re-active regime. This is not uncommon.