Configuring Installation Options - Framework
Installation options define the individual applications installed on your system and identify algorithms used to implement core system functions. These options also define global parameters such as the administrative menu style (alphabetical or functional), the country, language, currency code, as well as the base time zone to use for this implementation.
Installation options are stored in the installation record for your system. Use the Installation Options - Framework portal to configure these options. This portal is part of the OUAF and is described in detail in the Framework documentation.
Base Time Zone
The time zone setting of the Installation Options - Framework determines the time zone for all date/times stored within the system. Each date/time, based on the configuration of that field, is stored in either standard or legal time within this base time zone.
Note: The installation record does not dictate the server time zone, but rather must match it.
Installation Algorithms
Installation algorithms implement global system functions and can be customized for each implementation. The base package supports the following installation options for Meter Data Management-related system events:
Geocoding Service: Responsible for geocoding an address (converting an address to a geocode latitude/longitude pair).
Global Context: Sets global contexts (displayed in the Global Context dashboard zone) based on the value of existing global contexts. For example, if the Service Point is specified, this algorithm sets the Device by finding the most recently installed Device on the service point. It then sets the Measuring Component by finding the most effective Device Configuration and retrieving any measuring component linked to it. It then sets the Usage Subscription by finding the most recent active usage subscription linked to the service point. The contact is set by finding the main contact for the usage subscription.
To Do Pre-creation: Associates a To Do entry via characteristic to the related the related Device, Measuring Component, Service Point, Contact, Usage Subscription, Activity Type and Activity based on the drill keys of the To Do entry.
Additional detail on how the To Dos are associated to related data can be found in the detailed description of the D1-TDPRCRE algorithm type.
See Installation Options in the Oracle Utilities Application Framework Administrative User Guide for related information on the installation portal.