Enabling Maintenance Objects for Generalized Data Export
Export of data from most maintenance objects is supported via "Generalized" export.  See Generalized Data Export in the Application Framework Administrative User Guide for more information about generalized data export.
Data Export Control Records
Data export from a maintenance object requires a Data Export Control record configured for that maintenance object. See Enabling Data Export in Generalized Data Export in the Application Framework Administrative User Guide for more information.
Change Data Capture for Measuring Components and Usage Subscriptions
For most maintenance objects, changes are tracked via the Capture Change for Ongoing Export audit algorithm (F1-MO-REGCHN).
Measuring Components and Usage Subscriptions use a "Most Recent" date field to track related transactions (Initial Measurements and Measurements in the case of Measuring Components and Usage Transactions in the case of Usage Subscriptions). These "Most Recent" fields are updated with each new initial measurement or usage transaction created by the system.
In order to prevent the Change Data Capture process from capturing changes based on these frequent transactions (daily for measurements and monthly for usage transactions), the Capture Change for Ongoing Export audit algorithm has been disabled on the Measuring Component and Usage Subscription maintenance objects.
Enabling change data capture and generalized data export for these maintenance objects requires adding the “Generalized Data Export BO Change Data Capture” (D1-BO-REGCHN) Audit algorithm to the appropriate Measuring Component and Usage Subscription business objects. This algorithm creates records in the Data Export Update table used by the generalized export process.