Detailed Configuration Examples
Demand Calculation Options Using Interval Data
There are a number of ways to calculate a demand value from interval data when retrieving bill determinants for CIS. A few examples of demand calculations are listed below:
Scenario1: Use interval data for demand at a common block size: the Vector and Service Quantity Math usage calculation rule can be used to calculate demand from the interval data. Below is one example of configuration to handle demand calculation based on 30 minute blocks:
Usage Calculation Rule field
Vector 1 // Type
Physical Channels Links to Usage Subscription
Vector 1 // Unit of Measure
Use your own UOM here - this is just as example.
Vector 1 // Service Quantity Identifier
Use your own SQI here - this is just as example.
Vector Processing // Common Interval Size
This configuration rolls up all channels (whether 5 minute, 15 minute, or 30 minute interval data) into a common interval size.
Vector Processing // Vector Formula Source
Simple Vector Formula
Vector Processing // Simple Vector Formula
This is multiplying the common 30 minute interval size by 2 to achieve an hourly value.
Result // Unit of Measure
Use your own UOM here - this is just as example.
Result // Service Quantity Identifier
Use your own SQI here - this is just as example.
Result // Insert Primary SQ Entry
Result // SQ Entry Quantity Source
Set Function Against Derived Vector
Result // Set Function Against Derived Vector
This function pulls the max value based on the configuration in the "Vector Processing" section.
Scenario 2: Use interval data for demand by TOU period: This example is very similar to the last and again leverages the Vector and Service Quantity Math usage calculation rule. However, instead of calculating a single demand value for the entire period it will calculate a demand value for each TOU period:
Usage Calculation Rule field
Vector 1 // Type
Physical Channels Links to Usage Subscription
Vector 1 // Unit of Measure
Use your own UOM here - this is just as example.
Vector 1 // Service Quantity Identifier
Use your own SQI here - this is just as example.
Vector Processing // Common Interval Size
This configuration rolls up all channels (whether 5 minute, 15 minute, or 30 minute interval data) into a common interval size.
Vector Processing // Vector Formula Source
Simple Vector Formula
Vector Processing // Simple Vector Formula
This is multiplying the common 30 minute interval size by 2 to achieve an hourly value.
Result // Unit of Measure
Use your own UOM here - this is just as example.
Result // Service Quantity Identifier
Use your own SQI here - this is just as example.
Result // Insert Primary SQ Entry
Result // Apply TOU Map To Derived Vector
Result // TOU Map
(your TOU Map)
Select the TOU Map you'd like to apply.
Result // Time Of Use Calculate Function
This function pulls the max value based on the configuration in the "Vector Processing" section and then buckets it based on the selected TOU Map.