How Do Service Order Field Activities Work?
At a high level, service order field activities work as follows:
Create Field Activity
A service order orchestration activity creates a service order field activity based on the current state of the service point/meter/item.
Retrieve Required Data
The service order field activity uses a set of pre-processing algorithms to derive and populate data needed by the activity, such as the device, service point, address, effective date, and others.
Request Appointment (Optional)
If the service order field activity task type specifies that field tasks of this type require an appointment, the service order field activity checks for available appointment slots in the field work system and sends a notification to the appointment handling system.
Create Outbound Communication
The service order field activity creates an outbound communication to send the service order field activity to the field work system. The outbound communication gathers the information required by the field work system before being sent. This information is retrieved by a set of processing scripts defined on the field task type.
Receive Inbound Communication
When the service order field activity has been completed, the field work system sends an inbound communication back to Service Order Management.
Inbound communications can contain Field Activity Remarks (entered by field resources when they perform and complete their field work. If the Field Activity Remarks reference completion events, they are executed.
The inbound communications create completion events as defined on the field task type. If the service order field activity was successfully completed, it creates the "Completion Events When Successful" completion events. If the service order field activity was canceled, it creates the "Completion Events When Canceled" completion events.
Execute Completion Events
After receiving the inbound communication, a service order field activity algorithm transitions any active completion events into their executed state.
Complete Processing
The service order field activity completes its processing by doing the following:
Updating the parent orchestration activity
Sending a success response to the requester
Transitioning the parent orchestration activity to the next state in its lifecycle
Sending a service order field activity completion outbound communication to subscribing systems.