About Communication Out
These transactions are typically created from an activity and are tasked with sending a message to an external system. They follow one of two communication patterns:
Two-way: these messages are sent to the external system without an expectation of an immediate response, or a response is received but it is only an acknowledgement of a successful receipt of the message. The true response to the message is expected to be received in a process detached from the communication out. For the full lifecycle of the communication to be complete a communication in must be received.
One-way: these messages are sent to the external system and responded to in full within a single transaction. No communication in will be received.
The format of the message sent to the external system is typically driven by a processing method for that external system and the transportation method is controlled by the external system's message options.
If an error is encountered sending the message to the external system the communication out can perform automated retry of the messages for a configurable rate of retry and number of retry attempts.
For one-way communications the communication out will be responsible for creating the completion event.
Once the message has been communicated and a response received the outbound communication will update the initiating activity with the result.
Refer to the following topics for additional information on communications functionality:
Understanding Processing Methods for additional information on how processing methods are configured.
See About Completion Events for details on completion events.
See External Systems in the Oracle Utilities Application Framework Administrative User Guide for additioal information on configuring communication between your system and external systems.