Dimension Scanning
The dimension scanning process analyzes master data to identify unique dimension combinations and create an aggregation measuring component for each. Several objects play a role in this process:
The Aggregation Group holds the monitor algorithm that performs the scanning
The Data Source defines the template SQL for identifying dimensions
Measuring Component Sets define the dimensions and criteria for identifying the dimension combinations
See Dynamic SQL for more about the role of data sources and measuring component sets in generating dynamic SQL queries for dimension scanning.
This process is executed when aggregation is initiated for an Aggregation Group. This process should be run on a frequent basis (daily or more frequent) and should be executed prior to aggregation processing being run. Each time it is executed the dimension scanning process takes the following high level steps:
1. Identifies all Measuring Component Sets for the Aggregation Group that are not imported from an external source
2. Identifies all yet to be represented dimension combinations
3. Creates an Aggregation Measuring Component based on the Measuring Component Set's Measuring Component Type for each dimension combination identified in step 2.
4. Adds Attributes for each Aggregation Measuring Component created to describe the dimensions and criteria for that Measuring Component
5. Adds an entry in the Measuring Component Set participants table for each Aggregation Measuring Component created
This processing is performed by a monitor algorithm (Aggregation Group Dimension Scanner: D1-AGDS) on the Finalized status of the Aggregation Group business object.