Functional Overview
Oracle Utilities meter solution products provides functionality for handling large volumes of meter/device data to enable increased accuracy, flexibility, and scalability. Oracle Utilities meter solution products include:
Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management
Oracle Utilities Smart Grid Gateway
Oracle Utilities Service Order Management
Oracle Utilities Market Settlements Management
Below is a list of the most crucial business processes that are enabled within the system:
Defining meters, meter configurations, service points, and meter installations
Loading of meter readings and interval data from a head-end system or other source
Automatic validation, editing, and estimation of measurement data
Robust editing capabilities for readings and interval data
Calculation and publishing of bill determinants and other data from measurement data for use in external down-stream systems such as billing, pricing, etc.
Oracle Utilities meter solution products store a lot of important data that varies from meters to service points to customer contacts and everything in between. The diagrams below provides an overview of the most crucial objects in the Oracle Utilities meter solution data model:
Measurement, VEE, and Usage Calculation for Billing
A Device represents a physical meter, communication module, or some other device out in the field. A Service Point is the point at which service is delivered to a customer and a device can be installed. The Install Event is a record of a specific device installed at a Service Point. A Contact is the customer that should be contacted in association with the Usage Subscription.
In order to properly track the way in which a device is configured, the Device Configuration (add link) keeps a record of which types of data should be measured for the device. A Measuring Component (add link) represents a single channel of data for a device. For example, a device may have multiple measuring components: one that represents kWh interval data and another, another that represents kWh scalar readings, and a third that registers Voltage interval data.
Energy data received from meters is initially stored as Initial Measurement Data (IMD). Once the VEE process is executed, if the data passes then Measurements are created but if the data fails then VEE Exceptions are created.
A Usage Subscription tracks a set of usage calculations that should be performed for a Service Point or multiple Service Points. In order to perform calculation of usage (often referred to as bill determinants), a Usage Transaction is created through a request from the billing system. If any issues are encountered in the usage calculation process or from a usage transaction validation, then Usage Transaction Exceptions are created.
Service Orders and Remote Commands
An Activity in Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management is a very flexible object that is used for various processes. Two of the key processes handled by Activities are:
Remote Commands involve communicating with a head end system to perform actions or retrieve data from a meter. Examples include remote connects, remote disconnects, on-demand reading, etc.
Service Orders are methods through which work can be performed at a Service Point. Examples include enabling service, disabling service, meter exchanges, etc.
Oracle Utilities meter solution products include the following functional areas:
Device Management is used by analysts and administrators in managing and defining the devices used to record and capture meter data.
Device Installation is used by analysts and administrators in managing the installation of devices, including defining markets and service providers, Service Points and contacts, and installation events.
Measurement data is a normalized way of storing data from a meter that involves some form of measurement (i.e. kWh, CCF, etc.). Both interval data and scalar readings are held in this common storage location.
Validation, Editing, and Estimation (VEE) is used by administrators to define validation, editing, and estimation (VEE) rules to be applied to measurement data. VEE Exceptions may result from validation or estimation failures and should be worked by analysts through the To Do process.
360 Degree Search and View is used by analysts and administrators to search and view data for devices, measuring components, Service Points, Usage Subscriptions, and contacts.
Consumption Sync provides an automatic method to keep interval data and scalar readings in sync with one another.
Usage Calculation is used by administrators to manage the calculation of usage data and to provide the results of those calculations (commonly referred to as bill determinants) to external systems and parties. Usage calculation groups and rules define calculation rules to be applied to measurement data. Usage Transaction Exceptions may result from usage calculation and should be worked by analysts through the To Do process.
Device Events provides a view of specific events that have occurred on a meter. These are often unexpected and can indicate an issue with the meter.
Communication helps track the instances when communication occurs with external systems. This is heavily used for tracking remote commands against Head End systems.
Aggregations are used by analysts and administrators to search, view and maintain aggregated measurements that represent a summarization of other measurements from a set of devices and/or measuring components.
Master Data Sync defines the methods through which data is automatically synchronized to Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management from external sources (such as a CIS and/or Asset Management system).
Outage Storm Mode is a way for Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management to detect widespread outages and suppress estimation for those meters until normal communication of data resumes.
Service Order Management provides a centralized program for managing the complex interactions required for Service Order processing. This area is especially valuable for managing service order processing that involves remote communication with a Head End for connects, disconnects, and on-demand readings.
Market Settlement provides the core functionality for calculating and settling energy changes.
Service Issue Monitor can be setup by administrators to monitor various conditions within Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management and automatically create a Service Investigative Order if those conditions are met.
Dashboards provide high level metrics for Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management operators to monitor operational trends as well as overall system health.
Information Lifecycle Management is an automated method that administrators can configure to prepare data for archiving or purging after a defined period of time for the record type.