Triggering Adjustment Notifications
If any new Measurements are received from a device after that period has been calculated in a Usage Transaction then a discrepancy exists between Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management and the external system (often a customer information system or CIS). As a result, Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management provides a method to notify external systems of these adjustments to Usage Transactions. A Usage Transaction Correction Processor activity is created for each usage transaction that may have been impacted by an initial measurement. The Usage Transaction Correction Monitor batch (D1-UTCRN) is used to process these activities.
On the External Application for CIS, a processing method of "Usage Trans Subsequent Correction Notification" must be configured to specify the message that should be sent to notify CIS when an adjustment occurs for a Usage Transaction in Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management.
The IMD process handles the logic to look for existing Usage Transactions to determine if an adjustment will be required. The Usage Transaction will be moved to a "Subsequent Correction" status once this adjustment occurs.