Using the Meter Operational Dashboard
This portal is used to display the Meter Operational Dashboard.
You can access the portal from the Main > Dashboards > Meter Operational Dashboard. Once you've selected this menu option, you're immediately brought to the initial tab of the dashboard.
The Operations tab displays the following zones:
IMD Loading Trend: displays the count of initial measurement data that's loaded each day by Head End system.
Device Event Loading Trend: displays the count of device event data that's loaded each day by Head End system.
Incomplete IMDs by Status: displays a set of counts for initial measurement data by status.
Incomplete IMDs Trend: displays a set of counts for initial measurement data for each day by status
VEE To Dos by Exception Type: displays a set of counts for VEE Exceptions by Exception Type that also still have a To Do that's incomplete.
VEE To Dos Trend: displays a set of counts for VEE Exceptions by Exception Type for each day that also still have a To Do that's incomplete.
Usage Transactions by Status: displays a set of counts for usage transactions by status.
Usage Transactions Trend: displays a set of counts for usage transactions for each day by status.
Usage Transaction To Dos by Exception: displays a set of counts for Usage Transaction Exceptions by Exception Type that also still have a To Do that's incomplete.
Usage Transaction To Dos Trend: displays a set of counts for Usage Transaction Exceptions by Exception Type for each day that also still have a To Do that's incomplete.
The Batch Performance tab shows a series of zones related to any defined Performance Targets for batches. More information on Performance Targets can be found in the Framework guide.