Country - Main
To add or review Country definitions choose Admin > General > Country.
The Main page is used to customize the fields and field descriptions that will be displayed everywhere addresses are used in the system. This ensures that the all addresses conform to the customary address format and conventions of the particular country you have defined.
Description of Page
Enter a unique Country and Description for the country.
The address fields that appear in the Main page are localization options that are used to customize address formats so that they conform to address requirements around the world. By indicating that an address field is Optional, you make that field available everywhere addresses for this country are used in the system. You can enter your own descriptions for the labels. These labels will appear wherever addresses are maintained in the system.
Your specific product may also add the ability to mark an address field as Required. If that is available, then the product is also supplying appropriate validation in all places where a user defines an address.
For any country where the State is enabled, the valid states for the country must be entered on the Country - State tab. When entering address constituents on a record that captures this detail, the value for State is verified against the data in the State table. For any country where there is a component of the address that represents a "state" but your implementation does not want to populate the valid states for that country, choose a different field such as County for this constituent (and define an appropriate label). When entering address constituents on a record that captures this detail, no validation is done for the County column.