Designing Time Zones
The Time Zone entity is used to define all the time zones where your customers may operate. Each time zone should define an appropriate Time Zone Name. This is a reference to an external source that defines time zones, their relationship to Greenwich Mean Time, whether the time zone follows any shifting for summer / winter time (daylight savings time) and when this shift occurs.
The following sections describe concepts and configuration topics related to managing time zones.
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing - Interval Billing applications customers should consult the topic Time Issues (search the Help index for "time issues") for specific information relating to that product's interval billing time related functionality.
The Base Time Zone
When designing your time zones, the first thing to determine is the base time zone. You may choose the time zone where the company's main office resides. Once this is done you can link the time zone code to the installation option as the base time zone. Refer to Installation Options - Main for more information.
An attribute in the system properties file may be configured to indicate that the DB session time zone should be synchronized with the value defined on the Installation Options. Refer to the Server Administration Guide for more information.
If your company does business beyond your main office's time zone, define the other time zones where you may have customers or other systems with which you exchange data. At this point, your specific product may include configuration tables to capture default time zones, for example based on a postal code or geographic location.
Standard vs. Legal Time
The term Legal Time refers to the actual clock time as may be impacted by daylight saving (also called 'local time'). This time line has a gap hour on entry to the daylight saving period and a duplicate hour on exit from it.
The term Standard Time refers to a time line without any daylight saving shifts applied to it. This virtual time line has no gap hour on entry to the daylight saving period nor a duplicate hour on exit, i.e. it is continuous and non-ambiguous. As a general rule, it is recommended that all time sensitive data is stored in the standard time of the base time zone as defined on the installation options. This will prevent any confusion when analyzing data and will ensure that your algorithms do not have to perform any time zone or daylight saving shifting of data that may be stored in different time zones.
Depending on your specific product, entities may have their date/time information stored in either of the following options:
Standard time of the base time zone (also called 'physical time').
Standard time of another time zone related to the entity’s geographical location (also called 'logical time').
Legal time of the base time zone.
The metadata definition of a table specifies whether any of its date/time fields are stored in standard time or not. While typically all date/time fields of a table that supports standard time would be stored in the same way the system allows each field to specify its own option. The metadata definition of such field specifies whether it is base time zone standard time (Physical Standard Time), standard time of some other time zone associated with the entity (Legal Standard Time) or stored in base time zone legal time (Referenced Time Zone).
Storage vs. Display
Regardless of the time zone option used for storing the data in standard time, all date/time information is entered and displayed on the user interface in the legal time of its respective time zone. If a field is defined to be stored in the standard time of the base or other time zone, the user interface is designed to accept the data in the legal time of the respective time zone and shift it to the standard time of the same time zone before saving the data and performs the reverse shift from standard time back to legal time before displaying the data to the user.
It is important to understand that time zone and daylight saving time conversions to and from standard time are performed behind the scenes as part of the user interface layer. Once data reaches the server it is already in its storage time option. The user should not be aware of these time conversions.
Time shifting between standard and legal times does not happen automatically. When dealing with fields stored in standard time, their data entry and display need to explicitly include time shifting features as part of their user interface and zone configuration.
Date / Time Schema Elements
When defining date / time fields in a business object schema, schema attributes can be used to define whether or not data should be stored in standard time for the base time zone or if it should be stored in the standard time of another time zone (related to the data).
By default data stored in standard time is displayed in the corresponding time zone’s legal time. Additional schema attributes can be used to indicate if the display of the time should be shifted to the legal time of a different time zone. For example, if the data is stored in the base time zone but the data is related to a different time zone, the data will be shown in the time zone appropriate for the data (including the appropriate seasonal adjustment). Refer to Schema Nodes and Attributes- Standard Time Considerations for more information.
Exchanging Date / Time Information With External Systems
Date/time information should be exchanged between systems in standard XSD format as it includes a reference to the time zone of the specified time as an offset from Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). The system automatically converts date/time elements in an inbound message from XSD to internal format and vice versa for an outbound message. The latter is controlled by an explicit date/time format setting on the External System record for the outbound message type.
The offset is determined as followed and it is based on the time zone associated with the element as explicitly defined by the respective inbound or outbound schema:
Elements defined as stored in the standard time of the base or other time zone would always have the same offset throughout the year as this time line is never shifted for daylight saving. The offset would be the standard offset of that time zone from UTC, i.e. not during daylight saving time.
Elements stored in the legal time of the base time zone would have the standard offset of the base time zone when the date/time value is outside the daylight saving period and the shifted offset when it is inside that period of time.
User Time Zone
If your company does business in multiple time zones, the user record of each user may reference the time zone of their location. This time zone provides additional information about the location of the user and as such may be used by specific business rules that involve time zone settings.
The time zone defined on the user record is not used to automatically display date/time information in the user’s time zone. By default, the system displays date/time fields that are stored in standard time in the legal time of their respective time zone and not the user’s time zone.