Overriding Navigation Keys
Your implementation may choose to design a program component (e.g., a maintenance transaction or search page) to replace a component provided by the system. When doing this, the new navigation key must indicate that it is overriding the system navigation key. As a result, any menu entry or navigation options that reference this overridden navigation key automatically navigates to the custom component.
For example, if you have a custom On-line Batch Submission page and would like users to use this page rather than the one provided by the system, setting up an override navigation key ensures that if a user chooses to navigate to the On-line Batch Submission from Menu or a context menu, the user is brought to the custom On-line Batch Submission page.
To create an override navigation key, you need to:
Define a navigation key using an appropriate naming convention.
If the Navigation Key Type of the navigation key being overridden is External, specify a Navigation Key Type of Override (Other) and define the appropriate URL Component.
If the Navigation Key Type of navigation key being overridden is System, specify a Navigation Key Type of Override (System) and populate the Program Component ID with your custom program component ID.
Specify the navigation key that you are overriding in the Overridden Navigation Key field.
Refer to the Tool Suite Guide for more information about developing your own program components.