Working On A To Do Entry
A user can drill down on a To Do entry. When a user drills down on an entry, the user is transferred to the maintenance page associated with the entry (the To Do entry's drill key). The page to which the user is taken is configured on the To Do type.
It is also possible to configure the To Do type to launch a script when a user drills down on an entry rather than taking the user to a specific page. The script can check conditions related to the To Do entry to determine a more appropriate page or could be configured to walk the user through the steps required to resolve the To Do entry.
A script is linked to a To Do type based on its message number using the To Do type's message overrides. Refer to Executing A Script When A To Do Is Selected for more information.
After finishing work on an entry, the user can mark it as Complete. Completed entries do not appear on the To Do list queries (but they are retained on the database for audit purposes). If the user cannot resolve the problem, the user can forward the To Do to another user.