Script - Main
Use this page to define basic information about a script. Open this page using Admin > System > Script.
Use the Script Query portal to search for an existing script. Once a script is selected, you are brought to the maintenance portal to view and maintain the selected record.
Note:Script Tips. A context sensitive "Script Tips" zone is associated with this page. The zone provides links to Edit Data Syntax and Advanced Schema Topics so that users can quickly access those online help topics to aid in constructing scripts. In addition, the zone provides links to view the Groovy JavaDocs Viewer and the allowlist of third party Groovy classes so that users can verify the restricted list of classes available for Groovy coding in the script.
Description of Page
Enter a unique Script code and Description for the script. Use the Detailed Description to describe the purpose of this script in detail. Owner indicates if the script is owned by the base package or by your implementation (Customer Modification).
Important! If you introduce a new script, carefully consider its naming convention. Refer to System Data Naming Convention for more information.
Script Type indicates if this is a BPA Script, Plug-In Script, Groovy Library Script or Service Script. Refer to The Big Picture Of BPA Scripts and The Big Picture Of Server Based Scripts for more information.
Accessibility Option appears only for BPA scripts. Set this value to Accessible from Script Menu for any script that may be launched as a stand-alone script. Scripts with this configuration may be linked to a navigation option so that they may be invoked from a menu and may be configured by a user as a favorite script. Set this value to Not Accessible from Script Menu for any script that cannot be launched on its own. For example, any script that is a invoked as a sub-script from another script should have this setting. In addition, any script that is designed to be launched from within a specific portal where certain data is provided to the script should include this setting.
Enter an Application Service if the execution of the script should be secured. The application service should include Execute as one of its access modes. Refer to Securing Script Execution for more information. This field does not appear if the script type is Groovy Library Script.
Algorithm Entity appears only for plug-in scripts. Use this field to define the algorithm entity into which this script can be plugged in.
Business Object appears only for business object related plug-in scripts. Enter the Business Object whose elements are to be referenced by the plug-in script.
Script Engine Version defines key information affecting the context and execution of the script.
Script engine version values of 1, 2 and 3 define the version of the XML Path Language (XPath) to be used for the script. Versions 2 and 3 use the XPath 2 engine supplied by the XQuery team. This is the same engine used inside the Oracle database. The current script engine version 3 is a modified version that offers performance improvements without impacting existing version 2 scripts.
The default script engine version is 3.0 for plug-in and service scripts. The default version for BPA scripts is 1.0 as higher level versions are not applicable.
There are some additional details to note about script engine version 1.0:
The XPath library used is Jaxen
For BPA scripts, it uses the browser’s xpath and XML support except for Internet Explorer where the XSXML parser is used.
Xpath 1 (and even JavaScript) uses floating point arithmetic, which means that adding a collection of numbers with two decimal places might end up with a value of 10779.079999999998 instead of 10779.08
A Script Engine Version value of Groovy is only applicable to plug-in scripts. It is used to indicate that only Groovy related step types are used in the script and signals to the system that there is no need to convert the data to and from an XML interface. This allows for greater efficiency in script execution.
The value Framework Version 2.1 Compatibility Mode remains for upgrade purposes. This value should only be applicable to early versions of BPA scripts using syntax that is incompatible with XPath syntax.
The Script Engine Version field does not appear for Groovy Library scripts. The script engine version for these scripts is set to Groovy by default and cannot be changed.
Click the View Script Schema to view the script's data areas on the schema viewer window. This link does not appear if the script engine version is Groovy.
Click the View XSD hyperlink to view a script’s schema definition in XSD format. This link only appears if the script type is BPA Script or Service Script.
The View Script Superclass hyperlink appears only for plug-in scripts using an engine version of Groovy. Click this link to view the code of the runtime generated superclass for the related plug-in spot’s implementation.
The View Script As Text hyperlink appears for server-based scripts only. Click this link to view the internal scripting commands in a separate window.
The tree summarizes the script's steps. You can use the hyperlink to transfer to the Step tab with the corresponding step displayed.