Stand-Alone Configuration Options
You can configure the Application Viewer for stand-alone operation by modifying options in a configuration file. The Application Viewer comes with a default configuration file called config_​default.xml (located in the appViewer\config directory). Create a copy of the default configuration file and rename it to config.xml. Modify the options described in the following table to suit the needs of your installation.
Note:Default Configuration. If you do not create the config.xml file, the Application Viewer launches with its default (internal) configuration.
The default language used when the application viewer is started. Available values are those marked as language enabled on the language page.
The default view then the application viewer is started. Available values include:
- Data Dictionary
Whether the Data Dictionary is available or not:
- Y
- N
This property is not being used. Simply enter ‘N’.
The location of the stand-alone online help in relation to the application viewer. Specify the directory structure relative to the location of the directory in which the Application Viewer files are located. Note that this is the directory in which the language subdirectories for the online help are located. The default location is:
The default help topic that is launched when the Help button is clicked in the Application Viewer. Specify a help file and anchor that is under the appropriate language directory under the baseHelpLocation. The default is: