Web Service Category
The product provides the ability to categorize web services that are defined in the system. The term web services refers to Outbound Message Types, Inbound Web Services, and for those implementations where they are applicable, XAI Inbound Services.
A given web service may be linked to more than one category. The product supplies web service categories and most base delivered web services are configured with appropriate categories. Implementations may define new categories and may link custom web services to base delivered categories or to custom categories. In addition, implementations may link additional categories to base delivered web services. However, implementations may not remove base delivered web services from base delivered categories.
If your implementation uses the Integration Cloud Service Catalog, the integration provides the categories for each web service that is sent to the catalog.
The web service category portal supports adding and removing web services from the category. In addition, the Outbound Message Type portal and Inbound Web Service portal each provide a page action button to Add to Category.