Understanding Process Flows
A process flow is a user interface guiding a user through a series of actions in order to accomplish a specific task. The task can be as simple as the collection of information in order to update business data or involve more complex logic such as submitting and tracking batch processes, exchanging messages with an external system, etc.
This section describes topics related to designing and working with process flows.
A Process Flow Is Made Of Panels
Each process flow consist of a number of sequential "steps" needed to accomplish a certain task. Each step is represented by a stop on a progress bar and an associated panel.
Progress is linear in that each step may only lead to a single next step. A process flow always starts at a single initial step but allows for one or more final steps at which the user may choose to complete the process.
At any step the user may take the following actions:
Enter data or take action as prompted by the step’s panel.
Continue to a next step, if any.
Navigate back to any step they have previously visited.
Finish the process flow if the current step is a final step.
Save off their work on the process flow and either continue their work or navigate away. At a later time the user may resume their work on the process flow from where they have left off.
Cancel the process flow.
A process flow type defines the entire metadata needed to control the behavior of process flows of a given type. This includes the sequence of steps, the panel and rules associated with each step and more.
Panel Presentation
The panel presented on each step of the process flow is rendered based on the panel type selected on the step configuration.
For a Data Area type of panel, the panel is rendered using UI Hints built into the schema of a specified data area.
For a UI Map type of panel, the panel is rendered using a specified UI map fragment.
For a Panel Set type of panel, the panel is rendered as a set of tabs, one for each panel that references the current panel as its parent panel. Clicking on each tab renders the UI based on the selected panel’s type. The behavior of a panel set is analogous to or can be thought of as a nested process flow within a single panel. A panel set may not include another panel set.
A Single UI Map
While the user enters data one panel at a time, data is collected and captured at the entire process flow level. All the elements edited and displayed on the various panels of the process flow must be included in the overall process schema and referenced by their appropriate XPath location in that schema. Each type of process flow defines its unique schema on a designated UI map.
The UI map’s HTML should simply include the Process Flow Controller (F1-ProcessController) UI map fragment and nothing else. The latter is designed to render the user interface for a process flow based on the metadata defined on its process flow type.
Panel Scripts
A single Pre-Processing service script may be associated with a panel for the purpose of preparing the data before the panel is presented to the user. The system calls the script each time the user navigates to this panel on a non-finalized process flow.
A single Post-Processing service script may be associated with a panel for the purpose of validating the data entered by the user on that panel. The system calls the script each time the user exits the panel on a non-finalized process flow.
Process Flow Scripts
A single Process Start service script may be associated with a process flow for the purpose of preparing the data before a newly initiated process flow is presented to the user.
A single Process End service script is executed when the user clicks on the Finish or Cancel Process buttons to complete the process flow. The entire set of data collected by the process flow UI map schema is provided to this service script for final processing.
The schema of these scripts should be the same as the Process Flow UI map schema. This would ensure that business rules have access to the entire data captured by the user.
Summary Panel
By default, when a user finishes a process flow, as well as when they view an already closed process, the process flow portal displays the last panel the user was working on. For more complex process flows, you may provide a panel that summarizes information from the entire process. When specified on the process flow type, the system displays that summary panel instead a the default view of a closed process. The user may toggle between the summary view and the detailed view at any time.
The summary panel may be implemented as a UI map fragment or a data area like other panels but may not be associated with any panel script.
Launching A New Process Flow
Each process flow must be initiated and executed by a designated BPA script that has the following simple steps:
Set BPA area height to zero.
Populate the temporary variable $processCode with the code of the specific process flow type.
Transfer control to the Process Flow Navigation (F1-PROCEXEC) common BPA script.
Launching a process flow of a specific type is assumed to be made from a designated menu option or within a specific context applicable to that type of work. As such, this item needs to be configured specifically for each type of process flow. The navigation option associated with that launching option should reference the BPA script associated with the corresponding type of process flow.
Saving Off Work
The user may save off their work on a process flow at any time. If enabled on the process flow type, the system would also automatically save the data when the user navigates to another panel or away from the process flow portal.
On either manual or automatic save operations, the Process Manager script defined on the process flow type is called to save off the entire process flow data on a designated record in the database.
The base product provides a generic Process Flow maintenance object that is designed to support the storage of any type of process flow as well a corresponding process manager script. Should process flows of a specific type be stored elsewhere, then a dedicated process manager script should be implemented and used instead.
Review Process Flow Records
A process flow record is created when a user saved off their work or the process flow type enables automatic saving. When the user finishes a process flow, depending on the process flow type configuration the record may be deleted or retained for audit purposes.
Reviewing process flow records of a specific type is assumed to be made from a designated menu option or within a specific context applicable to that type of work. As such this item needs to be configured specifically for each type of process flow. The navigation option associated with that item should reference a query portal designed to query and manage the specific type of process flow records.
In addition to standard query features, the query portal should allow the user to resume their work on a non-finalized process flow as well as review the data captured on a completed record. When implementing such a query portal, refer to the sample Process Flow Query (F1PRSTRQ) portal for key features. Your specific product may already include such query portals for process flow types it supports. Refer to your specific product documentation for additional information.