Search Button
The search button appears primarily as a magnifying glass.
Search Button
When using a pop-up search window, the search button can appear as a button with its function labeled.
Search Window
You can have the system search for an item that matches the data you entered using any of the following methods:
Enter a value in the search field and press Enter while the cursor is in the search field. The system assumes you want to search for the value entered and pre-populates it in the search window's search criteria. If a unique match can be found, the system automatically populates the field with details corresponding to the record found. If a unique match cannot be found (either no matches or multiple matches), a search page opens containing selectable items.
Click the Search button without entering a criteria. This will typically cause a pop-up search window to appear so that you can further refine your search.
Enter a value and tab out of the search field. The system looks for a value that exactly matches what you entered. If it cannot find such a value, the search dialog will not be presented.
When an item is selected in the search page, the search page closes and the input field is populated with the value selected.
Note:Sorting columns within the search grid. You may click on the column heading of columns in a search grid to cause the contents of the grid to be sorted. Refer to Sorting Functionality for more information.