Log Entry Events
Any user may add a User Details log entry to any To Do at any time (even after it's completed). Refer to To Do Entry page for more information.
The To Do Management portal also allows users to add a User Details log entry to one or more selected entries.
In addition, there are several log entries created automatically by the system. The following table contains the list of all possible log events.
Log Type
To Do Entry Status
Content of Details
Content of Assigned To (on To Do entry and To Do Log)
Log User ID
Contents of Sent By (on To Do entry)
A To Do is created (by the system or by a user)
ID of user who created the To Do
A To Do is created (by the system or by a user) in Being Worked On status
Being Worked On
User ID of user who was assigned this To Do
ID of user who created the To Do
Creating user's ID
A To Do is completed (by the system or by a user)
ID of user who completed the To Do
A user takes an open To Do
Being Worked On
Selected by user
Assigned To User ID
Assigned To User ID
ID of user who assigned the To Do
A supervisor assigns a To Do to a user (also happens if they reassign)
Being Worked On
Assigned to user
Assigned To User ID
ID of user who assigned the To Do
ID of user who assigned the To Do
A user forwards an entry to a user
Being Worked On
Log details entered by user
Forwarded To User ID
ID of user who forwarded the To Do
ID of user who forwarded the To Do
A user forwards an entry to a role
Forwarded to role Role Description (Role ID) + Log details entered by user
ID of user who forwarded the To Do
ID of user who forwarded the To Do
A user sends back a To Do
Sent back
Being Worked On
Log details entered by user
Sent Back To User ID
ID of user who sent back the To Do
ID of user who sent back the To Do
A user adds a log entry
User Details
Status remains the same
Log details entered by user
ID of user who added the entry
A user manually overrides priority
Override Priority
Status remains the same
Priority changed from old value to new value
Assigned To User ID
ID of user who made the change
Priority is updated by a calculate priority algorithm
Calculated Priority
Status remains the same
Priority changed from old value to new value
ID of user that added or updated the To Do or the user associated with the Recalculate Priority batch job.