Supervisor To Do Summary
This Supervisor To Do Summary page summarizes To Do entries by To Do Type. Only entries that are Open (i.e., not assigned to a specific user) or Being Worked On are summarized.
Only To Do entries that are assigned to a role to which you belong are summarized on this page. Refer to To Do Entries Reference A Role for more information.
Use Menu > To Do > Supervisor To Do Summary to open this page.
Description of Page
This page summarizes all To Do entries that are Open or Being Worked On.
To Do Type contains the description of the To Do type.
Priority provides a total count of To Do entries of a given type by priority. For each distinct priority the description includes the priority value followed by the corresponding number of entries. If all entries are of the same priority no additional count is displayed.
Total contains the total of Open and Being Worked On entries. The hyperlink navigates to the Supervisor To Do Assignment transaction, setting it to display all Open and Being Worked On entries for the given To Do Type.
Open contains the number of To Do Entries whose status is Open. The hyperlink navigates to the Supervisor To Do Assignment transaction, setting it to display all Open entries for the given To Do Type.
Being Worked On contains the number of To Do entries whose status is Being Worked On. The hyperlink navigates to the Supervisor To Do Assignment transaction, setting it to display all Being Worked On entries for the given To Do Type.
The "age bars" that appear to the right of the totals highlight the age of the To Do entries. The colors red, yellow and green are used to highlight the relative number of old, middle-aged and new To Do entries. The age associated with each of these colors is user-configurable.