Software and Hardware Considerations
There are many factors that can influence software and hardware decisions. For example, your system may have to satisfy specific performance, availability, or scalability requirements, or to support running in a language other than English. These business requirements, together with the chosen system architecture, should be used in initial software and hardware planning.
Some of the questions that you should answer before beginning the installation include:
On which hardware platform and operating system will Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management be deployed?
On which Web server product will Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management deploy?
On which database product will Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management deploy?
Do you plan to deploy multiple Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management instances on the same physical server?
How do you plan to deploy Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management?
Web/application/database on the same physical server
Web/application on one server and database on separate server
Each component on its own server
For detailed descriptions of various deployment architecture choices that may aid in planning, please see the document Oracle Utilities Application Framework Architecture Guidelines, available on My Oracle Support (Article ID 807068.1).
The final hardware and software decisions must comply with the specific requirements of Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management, as described in this chapter.