Analytics Publisher Report Configuration
This section describes the steps required to configure Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management and Oracle Analytics Publisher to support a reporting solution that uses Oracle Analytics Publisher.
This release of Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management has a separate bundle with a sample Analytics Publisher 11g report.
Unzip Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management Report Files
1. Unzip the file from the installation media into an <TEMPDIR> directory. We'll refer to this directory as the reports extract folder.
2. For both UNIX and Windows platforms, a sub-directory named AnalyticsPublisher11g is created. The contents of the installation directory are identical for both platforms.
Note: By default, the reports provided are read only. You will need to reset the permissions on the files before making any changes, for example, to configure the default data source.
Publish the Sample Reports in Oracle Analytics Publisher Enterprise
The installation media contains sample reports provided with the system. The report files are in the reports extract folder under < TEMPDIR >\AnalyticsPublisher11g\reportFiles.
Install Oracle Analytics Publisher Enterprise. This section assumes that you have already installed Oracle Analytics Publisher Enterprise.
To configure the Analytics Publisher reports:
1. Create a folder “D2_VEEEME” in the <Analytics_Repository_Path>\Reports folder.
2. Copy D2_VEEEME.xdo and D2_VEEEME.xdm folders to <Analytics_Repository_Path>\Reports\D2_VEEEME folder.
Note: To check for the location of your <Analytics_Repository_Path>, login to the Analytics console as an Administrator and go to Administration, Server Configuration. If the repository type is File System, the path will be seen in Catalog region. If the repository type is not File System you cannot load the sample reports.
3. Login as Administrator to Analytics Publisher server.
4. Navigate to the Administration tab.
a. In the JDBC Connection section under Data Sources, add a new data source using Add Data Source.
b. Create a new Data Source named D2 201 Dev with connection details pointing to the D2 201 Dev database.
c. Test Connection to make sure the Database connection is successful and save changes using Apply.
Note: Make sure the Data Source Name (D2 201 Dev) is created with the same name else the reports won't show up.
5. Go to the Catalog tab.
a. Click New > Report from drop-down list. Select “Use Existing Data Model” to create new reports using existing data model and then select Data Model from the Shared Folders Catalog.
For example: ./Shared Folders/D2_VEEEME/D2_VEEEME.xdm)
b. Click Next and select Use Report Editor option. Click Finish.
c. Select My Folder and save the report as “D2_VEEEME”.
6. Navigate to Catalog > My folders and select D2_VEEEME. Click Open.
Once the report is open, click Actions and export the data as XML. Save it.
7. On the Catalog tab, select My Folders and click Edit Report (D2_VEEEME) and click Data Model D2_VEEEME.
5. Under Attachment, click Upload Sample Data. Browse to the saved XML file and upload it. Click Save and return.
8. Click Add New Layout. Under Upload or Generate Layout, click Upload and give Layout Name as D2_VEEEME.rtf.
Browse Template File to <BI_Repository_Path>\Reports\D2_VEEEME\D2_VEEEME.xdo folder and select D2_VEEEME.rtf file. Select type as RTF template and Locale as English and click on Upload.
9. Click View Report to see reports.
Note: Perform the same steps to configure other reports except step 4.