Configuring Aggregation Criteria Source Types
The options in the Source Type and Source Entity drop-down lists used when configuring Dimensions, Criteria, and Individually Managed Items are defined in the Aggregation Criteria Source Type (D1-CriteriaSourceTypeLookup) extendable lookup. The measuring component set business objects reference this extendable lookup.
Each of the base package Source Type values (Characteristic, Identifier, Market Participant, and Table) are records in this extendable lookup. The Source Entity values for each of these are defined in the corresponding record.
For example, the “Table” Source Type defines the base package “Table” Source Entity values (Device, Device Event, Measuring Component, Service Point, Usage Subscription, and Usage), along with criteria path details for each (based on data source class).
If an implementation requires Source Type or Source Entity values that differ from the base package, custom extendable lookup values can be created.
When for creating custom values for this extendable lookup, start from an existing extendable lookup value. Select the value that most closely matches your requirements and use the Duplicate function to create a copy, and edit as needed.