Understanding Dynamic Aggregation Measuring Component Types
Like other measuring component types, dynamic aggregation measuring component types define the most important properties of a measuring component. In this case, they define the properties of aggregator measuring components.
Measuring component types used by dynamic aggregation use many of the same attributes as other types of measuring components, but some attributes are used differently. Some attributes used specifically by dynamic aggregation include:
Measuring Component Business Object: This should be an aggregator measuring component business object, such as one of the following:
Aggregator Interval (D1-AggregatorInterval)
Aggregator Scalar (D1-AggregatorScalar)
Aggregator Customer Quantities (D1-AggregatorCustomerQuantity)
Aggregator Items Measuring Component (D1-AggregatorItems)
Measurement Business Object: Aggregated measurements can be based on either the Measurement (D1-Measurement) business object or the Aggregation Measurement (D1-AggregationMeasurement) business object (based on the Aggregation Measurement maintenance object).
Data Source: The source of the data that will be aggregated and the specific type of data that should be aggregated. Note that the Service Type of the data source, as determined by its associated objects (e.g. Measuring Component Type, Device Type, Service Point Type), must match the Service Type for this measuring component type.
Value Identifiers: These store the values of UOM, TOU, and SQI that identify the measurements to be aggregated. For each value identifier either the Value Calculation Method or Value Derivation Algorithm must be defined (not both). These define how measurement values are calculated or derived during aggregation processing.
Refer to Understanding Measuring Component Types for more information about measuring component types.