Analytics Configuration
This portal provides a bird's eye view of the configuration information for Oracle Utilities Analytics. It provides links and guidelines for the areas that need configuration to successfully run the extract transfer and load processes from Oracle Utilities Analytics.
You can access the portal from the Admin > Analytics Configuration > Analytics Configuration.
The following zones may appear as part of the portal's Main tab page
Bucket Configuration List. This zone lists bucket configurations to set up.
BI-Related Business Objects Information. This zone lists additional control entities to set up.
The following zones may appear as part of the portal's OWB-Based ETL tab page
Outbound Sync BOs and Algorithm List. This zone lists business objects and algorithms involved in the extract process.
BI-Oriented Extendable Lookup. This zone lists extendable lookups to set.
External Data Source Indicators List. This zone lists the external identifiers of the various sources for your analytics data.
Note: Service Point business objects can make use of the following System Events:
Service Point Snapshot: This system event defines the algorithm used to create a snapshot of the Service Point for use with Oracle Utilities Analytics. The Algorithm Entity for available algorithms is "SP (BO) - Snapshot."
Usage Snapshot: This system event defines the algorithm used to create a usage snapshot of the Service Point for use with Oracle Utilities Analytics. The Algorithm Entity for available algorithms is "SP (BO) - Usage Snapshot."
Unreported Usage Analysis Snapshot: This system event defines the algorithm used to create a snapshot of the Service Point's consumption since the last usage transaction for use with Oracle Utilities Analytics. The Algorithm Entity for available algorithms is "SP (BO) - Unreported Usage Analysis Snapshot."
SP VEE Exception Snapshot: This system event defines the algorithm used to create a snapshot of VEE exceptions for the Service Point for use with Oracle Utilities Analytics. The Algorithm Entity for available algorithms is "SP (BO) - VEE Exception Snapshot."