Configuring Consumption Synchronization
Refer to Introduction to Consumption Sync for additional functional information about how consumption synchronization works.
Keeping consumption synchronized between two measuring components that meter the same quantity but at different frequencies is a complicated task. As such the configuration for this process is diffuse and requires settings across several key areas of the system to be aligned. This section will help guide you through the process of configuring consumption synchronization.
The consumption synchronization process is really a collection of processes within Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management that all work together to ensure that quantities between related channels remain consistent:
Estimation VEE Rules: several rules align consumption between related channels. These rules allow estimations to be refined based on higher quality measurements from a related channel. These rules are core to the consumption synchronization process. In simple scenarios where a few intervals are missing for an interval measuring component these rules are all that are necessary for synchronization with the related channel (note: it requires that the related channels data for that same time period has already been processed through to final measurements). For more information on these rules please visit the following sections:
Interval Adjustment from Scalar
Scalar Calculation from Interval
Scalar Proration
Sum Check
Final Measurement Validation
Refer to About IMD Estimations for more information about these rules
Periodic Estimation: both the interval and scalar variations of periodic estimation play an important role in consumption synchronization by ensuring that both channels of data are without gaps. In simple scenarios where one channel is missing data and the other is not periodic estimation is all that is require to produce synchronized consumption. It is important to note that this process itself does not perform estimations but rather it is responsible for creating estimation initial measurements to trigger the estimation VEE rules.
Consumption Synchronization Activities: these activities work to fix alignment issues that occur when data for the related channels are processed out of order or when there are complex outage scenarios. These activities are created when higher quality data is received for one channel and the related channel has measurements that are eligible to be recalculated and adjusted to align the total consumption for the period across the two channels. It is important to note that this process itself does not perform estimations but rather it is responsible for creating estimation initial measurements to trigger the estimation VEE rules.
Device Configuration Type
As a default the system will not generate consumption synch activities for related measuring components. Turning on consumption synchronization activities is done through a few key fields on the device configuration type:
Keep Consumption Reference MC in Sync: defines if the related MCs should be kept in sync. It can be configured to provide a one way synchronization from primary to secondary or a two way synchronization between primary and secondary.
Minimum Condition to Sync Primary MC: when the secondary measuring component can initiate synchronization of the primary this provides an ability to limit those situations to when the incoming data is of a minimum quality.
Sum Check VEE Exception Type: provides further ability to limit initiation of synchronization. When configured the synchronization activities will only be created when the initial measurement being processed encounters a VEE exception of the type configured. More specifically, a sum check VEE exception which will indicate that the two channels are out of synch by a minimum tolerance amount. This can be used to avoid synchronization either when there is no difference between the channels or when there is only a small difference between the channels.
Additional detail about these fields can be found in the embedded help for the device configuration type.
Register Auto-Read Measuring Component Type
The configuration available for the register auto-read measuring component type has an indirect impact on the consumption synchronization process. This configuration is primarily intended to allow for a register to re-evaluate previously created estimations when new more accurate readings are received even when no related measuring components exist. Where this has impact to the consumption synchronization process is that when a new scalar reading is received after a period of estimation it will result in the time period for that new initial measurement being expanded into the past. This is because any estimates prior to this new higher quality initial measurement will be logically removed and the start reading for the initial measurement will in turn be the last non-estimated measurement prior to the initial measurement. This creates an initial measurement that spans the entire period for which estimations exist and as a result when a consumption synchronization activity is generated it will result in that same period of time being re-evaluated on the related measuring component.
This functionality is controlled by a few key fields on the register auto-read measuring component type:
Ignore Estimates as IMD Start Reading: controls whether estimates directly previous to newly received incoming initial measurement should be logically removed when that newly received initial measurement data is non-estimated.
Flag Future Estimates as Do Not Use: controls whether estimates that come directly after newly received incoming initial measurements should be logically removed when that newly received initial measurement data is non-estimated
Actuals or Corrections Initial Re-Estimation: works in tandem with the above two fields. When either scenario results in measurements being logically removed this field, when turned on, will reset the last contiguous measurement date/time for the measuring component making it eligible once more for periodic estimation. With the end result being that those estimated measurements that were removed would recreated as new estimates.
Measuring Components
In order for consumption synchronization to work it must know that two measuring components are related in a way that indicates they are measuring the same consumption. This is achieved by configuring the "Consumption Reference Measuring Component" field on the measuring component.
Not only does this establish the relationship but it also establishes which measuring component is considered to be primary and which is considered to be secondary.
A measuring component is considered to be secondary when it holds the relationship to the Consumption Check Measuring Component (the primary measuring component).
For example, consider the following related measuring components.
Scalar Measuring Component: ER-SM-007 / 1 / Electric kWh Daily
Interval Measuring Component: ER-SM-007 / 2 / Electric kWh 60min
If the scalar measuring component is the primary measuring component, it does NOT specify a "Consumption Reference Measuring Component", and the interval measuring component specifies the scalar measuring component as the "Consumption Reference Measuring Component".
If the interval measuring component is the primary measuring component, it does NOT specify a "Consumption Reference Measuring Component", and the scalar measuring component specifies the interval measuring component as the "Consumption Reference Measuring Component".
It is important to note that pending initial measurements for the secondary measuring component are processed by the D1-IMD batch process after the initial measurements for the primary measuring component. This ensures that the primary measuring component's final measurements will be available to the secondary measuring component's initial measurements VEE process to provide better quality estimations and validations.
Initial Load and Manual Initial Measurement Algorithms
Key to the consumption synchronization process are the algorithms that reside on initial load and manual initial measurements for both scalar and interval measuring components. These algorithms contain logic to identify final measurements on a related channel that are consumption synchronization eligible (typically estimated).
These algorithms allow definition of:
The consumption synchronization activity created
The condition range that defines consumption synchronization eligible final measurements
Please refer to the algorithm type descriptions for more information:
Algorithm Type
Where used
Update Latest Measurement Date/Time on MC with Consumption Sync
Update Latest Measurement Date/Time on Scalar MC with Consumption Sync
Consumption Synchronization Activities
The consumption synchronization activities are initiated by initial measurements and are responsible for generating the appropriate estimation initial measurements to re-evaluate any consumption synchronization eligible final measurements for the related measuring component being processed.
These activities can be associated to one or more initiating initial measurements and are able to handle a broad combination of time periods which are not required to be contiguous.
If any generated estimation initial measurement does not finalize processing will be halted and details about the failed estimation initial measurement will be provided.
The following table identifies the catalogue of consumption synchronization activities:
Activity Type
Activity Business Object
Related MC Consumption Sync - Scalar
This activity is generated to re-evaluate consumption sync eligible final measurements on scalar measuring components. One estimation initial measurement will be created per measurement needing to be re-evaluated.
Related MC Consumption Sync - Interval
This activity is generated to re-evaluate consumption sync eligible final measurements on interval measuring components. One estimation initial measurement will be created per contiguous set of interval measurements needing to be re-evaluated. Note the generated initial measurements will include non-consumption sync eligible final measurements which will help to feed into the estimation process to provide more accurate results.
Gap Period Consumption Sync
This activity will re-evaluate both measuring components in the relationship for a wider time period than the initiating initial measurement. Specifically the time period will be the total contiguous period of consumption sync eligible final measurements across both channels in the relationship.
Each consumption synchronization activity has an algorithm that performs the core logic of the consumption synchronization process.
These algorithms allow definition of:
The condition range that defines consumption synchronization eligible final measurements
Please refer to the algorithm type descriptions for more information:
Algorithm Type
Where used
Scalar MC Consumption Sync
Interval MC Consumption Sync
Gap Period Consumption Sync
Periodic Estimation
The algorithm that initiates periodic estimation which is plugged in to the Smart Meter device business object has a key configuration setting related to consumption synchronization:
MC Type to Process First: determines whether interval or scalar measuring components should be estimated first. This should be set to process whichever measuring component type is considered to be primary first.
Please refer to the algorithm type description for more information:
Algorithm Type
Where used
Periodic Estimation
Related Batch Controls
There are a few batches involved with Consumption Synchronization:
Related MC Consumption Sync (D1-RMCRE): this processes any pending consumption synchronization activities.
Related MC Consumption Sync - Retry Act (D1-RMCRR): this retries any consumption synchronization activities that fail to the Issue Detected state.