Configuring Exception Types
This portal is used to display and maintain an Exception Type.
You can access the portal by selecting Admin, then VEE, then Exception Type.
The following zones may appear as part of the portal's Main tab page:
Exception Type List: displays all of the Exception Types so you can choose the one you want to display in more detail
Exception Type: shows the specific configuration for the selected Exception Type
There are two different options to use when creating an Exception Type:
Business Object
VEE Exception
This will create a "normal" VEE Exception that is attached to an IMD for tracking of conditions triggered in the VEE process.
VEE Exception - Monitor Service Point
In addition to tracking the failure in the VEE process, this VEE Exception generates a Service Issue Monitor. This allows for cumulative tracking of VEE Exceptions that can be configured to result in a Service Investigative Order (field work) for the Service Point.