Configuring DataRaker Usage and Event Integration
Oracle Utilities Smart Grid Gateway adapters use OSB and BPEL components when publishing initial measurement and device event data for integration with Oracle Utilities Analytics Insights.
OSB Projects
The following “CM” Oracle Service Bus projects are used to configure the integration between SGG and Oracle Utilities Analytics Insights:
OSB Projects
SGG-D3-USAGE-CM (used to publish usage)
SGG-D3-EVENT-CM (used to publish device events)
SGG-D4-USAGE-CM (used to publish usage)
SGG-D4-EVENT-CM (used to publish device events)
SGG-D5-USAGE-CM (used to publish usage)
SGG-D6-USAGE-CM (used to publish usage)
SGG-D6-EVENT-CM (used to publish device events)
Silver Spring Networks
SGG-D7-SSNXML-CM (used to publish usage)
SGG-D7-CSV-CM (used to publish device events)
Itron OpenWay
SGG-D8-ITRONXML-CM (used to publish usage)
SGG-D8-EXCEPTION-CM (used to publish device events)
Adapter Development Kit
SGG-DG-SEEDER-CM (used to publish usage and device events)
The following components provided with these projects are used in publishing measurement data and device events to Oracle Utilities Analytics Insights:
The DataRakerBusinessService business service is used to send data to a pre-configured JMS queue (defined as an Endpoint URI), from which the data will be published. This business service is specified in the EnvironmentSettings.xq file (see below).
The DataRakerServiceAccount service account is used to define and maintain the user name and password needed to access the JMS queue defined in the DataRakerBusinessService business service.
Enabling Data Publishing
Publishing initial measurement and device event data is enabled by referencing a publisher business service (DataRakerBusinessService) in the publishServices/service element in the EnvironmentSettings.xq files provided with the OSB projects listed above as follows:
BPEL Composites
The SGGDRIntegration BPEL composite handles publishing the data to Oracle Utilities Analytics Insights or other systems.
Configuring Publishing Output
The following parameters can be used to configure details of how the data is provided to Oracle Utilities Analytics Insights, including the directory where files are posted for Oracle Utilities Analytics Insights to consume, number of records per file, polling frequency, etc. These parameters are defined during installation. See the Oracle Utilities Smart Grid Gateway Installation Guide for more details about defining values for these parameters.
Default Value
JNDI name of queue to publish SGG payloads.
This is the JMS queue defined in the DataRakerBusinessService business service. This should NOT be changed.
The number of records (SGG payloads) to accumulate in a published file.
The maximum file size for the accumulated (SGG payloads) file in kilobytes.
The period of time in second which, when exceeded, causes a new outgoing file to be created.
The polling frequency in seconds of the staging directory for new files.
Mount point/directory for the staging directory for accumulated SGG payload files.
This is used internally and should NOT be changed.
Mount point/directory from which Oracle DataRaker will consume the converted XML files.