Java Recommendations — On-Premises Implementation Only
1. For areas where the transactional volume is high (such as Initial Measurement), use Hibernate SQL for non-CLOB fields whenever possible as opposed to reading entire Business Object. If a CLOB field must be retrieved, then either Entity or Lite BO should be used. Reading the full Business Object should be used as the last resort for high volume areas. This process should be considered for updating data as well when it provides the same functionality as updating the Business Object. These methods should only be considered if BO level validations, pre-processing, and post-processing aren't required.
2. For a simple SQL select statement needed in Java (not many joins and no complex logic), using Hibernate SQL provides a benefit over using a Business Service and a Zone since the entities are cached for Hibernate SQL.
3. "Lite" Business Objects are provided as a way to access the main fields for a BO without pulling back all of the information. Retrieving less information will speed up the process for reading the BO.