Master Data Extract
Extraction of service point, device, and install event master data is performed through use of data synchronization, audit algorithms, business objects and related batch processes.
Batch processes are used to create initial load extracts for service point, device, and install event master data. Following the initial load, data synchronization requests are created when master data is changed.
Maintenance Object Audit Algorithms
Detecting changes in service point, device, and install event master data can be detected via audit algorithms on the Service Point (D1-SP), Device Configuration (D1-DVCCONFIG), Device (D1-DEVICE),and Install Event (D1-INSTLEVT) maintenance objects. The Generic Change Data Capture (F1-GCHG-CDCP) algorithm type provided in the base package can be used to create audit algorithms for the Service Point and Install Event maintenance objects.
In addition, the "Device Change Data Capture (Install Event-Based)" (D1-IEDV-CDCP) algorithm type provided in the base package can be used to create an audit algorithm on the Device maintenance object to determine if an install event sync request record is to be created. A change in a related device's details will instantiate an Install Event Extract Sync Request (of the type defined for the "Install Event Sync Request BO" algorithm parameter) if one does not already exist in the initial state for the Install Event.
Business Objects and Algorithms
The maintenance object audit algorithms create data synchronization requests based on the "Sync Request BO" maintenance object options. Extraction of service points and install events are supported by the following data synchronization business objects.
SP Sync for DataConnect (D1-ExternalRepositorySPSync): used to extract service point information. This business object should be defined as a value for the "Sync Request BO" options on the Service Point maintenance object.
SP/Meter Sync for DataConnect v1+(D1-ExternalRepositorySPMtrSync): used to extract service point and meter information. This business object should be defined as a value for the "Sync Request BO" options on the Service Point, Device Configuration, and Device maintenance objects.
Install Event Sync for DataConnect (D1-ExternalRepositoryIESync): used to extract install event information. This business object should be defined as a value for the "Sync Request BO" options on the Install Event maintenance object.
These business objects use the following Pre-Processing algorithms to take initial data snapshots, and define the batch control used to extract data and export to a flat file:
Capture SP Initial Snapshot for DataConnect (D1-SPEINISNP)
Capture SP/Meter Initial Snapshot for DataConnect (D1-SPMINISNP)
Capture Install Event Initial Snapshot for DataConnect (D1-IEEINISNP)
The Sync Request Monitor batch control (F1-SYNRQ) monitors synchronization requests in the Pending state and executes Monitor algorithms that check for related synchronization requests, and transitions them to the "Determine if Sync Needed" state. Enter algorithms on the "Determine If Sync Needed" states extract a final snapshot of the data to extract and export.
Capture SP Final Snapshot for DataConnect (D1-SPEFNISNP)
Capture SP/Meter Final Snapshot for DataConnect v1+ (D1-SPMFINSNP)
Capture Install Event Final Snapshot for DataConnect (D1-IEEFNISNP)
The "Prepare Delimited Extract Data" Enter algorithm (D1-PRPEXTDTA) on the "Send Request" state prepares the data for extraction, and creates a general process record for the synchronization request (based on the batch control defined by the pre-processing algorithm). Note that this algorithm is defined on the "Send Request" state of the Generic Sync for DataConnect (D1-ParentExternalRepositorySyn) parent business object.
Batch Controls
The master data extraction process uses a set of batch processes to create data synchronization requests and extract files. The following batch processes are used to create initial synchronization requests:
SP Initial Load for DataConnect (D1-SPEIL): This batch control creates initial synchronization requests for service points.
SP/Meter Initial Load for DataConnect v1+ (D1-SPMIL): This batch control creates initial synchronization requests for service points, device configurations, and devices.
Install Event Initial Load for DataConnect (D1-IEEIL): This batch control creates initial synchronization requests for install events.
These batch processes should be run to create initial load data synchronization requests based on the "Sync for DataConnect" business objects. The following batch processes are used to create extract files from synchronization requests.
SP Extract for DataConnect (D1-SPESR): This batch control creates extract file(s) that contain service point information.
SP/Meter Extract for DataConnect (D1-SPMSR): This batch control creates extract file(s) that contain service point, device configuration, and device information.
Install Event Extract for DataConnect (D1-IEESR): This batch control creates extract file(s) that contain install event information.
These batch controls are defined as values for the "Batch Control for Extract" algorithm parameters on the Pre-Processing algorithms on the "Sync for DataConnect" business objects (see above).
Use the Batch Control portal for more information about these batch controls. The extract batch controls contain parameters that can be used to specify details (including path and file name) for a delimited flat file containing extracted data.
Example Setup Steps
Setting up master data extracts involves the following steps:
1. Add audit algorithms on the Service Point and Install Event maintenance objects.
2. Add the DataConnect synchronization request business objects as "Sync Request BO" options on the Service Point and Install Event maintenance objects.
3. Add the "Install Event's Device Change Data Capture" algorithm as an audit algorithm on the Device maintenance object.
4. Execute initial load batch processes for service points and install events.
5. Once the initial load synchronization has been executed, changes to service points, install events, or related devices will trigger the creation of new synchronization requests and resulting extraction files.