Creating Head End Systems
The next step is to create a record for the head end system. This record defines processing methods for the head end system.
Processing Methods for Payload Processing
The following processing methods should be configured to support payload processing:
Device Event Mapping: defines how head end-specific device events are mapped to standard device event names. The Device Event Seeder business object uses this processing method to determine which type of device event business object to instantiate when receiving device events from a head-end system.
Initial Measurement Creation: defines the business objects used to create initial measurements. The IMD Seeder business object uses this processing method to determine which type of initial measurement business object to instantiate when receiving usage from a head end system.
UOM Translation: defines how head end-specific unit of measure (UOM) codes are mapped to standard UOM codes.
If usage payload include time of use periods or service quantity identifiers, you should also configure SQI Translation and TOU Translation processing methods.
See Head End Systems and Understanding Processing Methods in the Administrative User Guide for more information about creating and configuring a head end system and its processing methods.