Itron OpenWay Payload Processing
Payload processing for the Itron OpenWay adapter works differently than it does for other adapters. Instead of using batch processing, Itron payloads are processed as they are received.
Payloads and exceptions sent from the Itron OpenWay head end system are received via inbound web services that invoke business components that process the payloads and exceptions as they are received rather than posting them to object storage locations. See Itron OpenWay Inbound Web Services for more information about the inbound web services used to receive payloads and exceptions from the Itron OpenWay head end system.
Configuration of Itron payload processing requires the same set up and configuration as other adapters, with the exception of payload processing batch controls, which are not used. Some specifics regarding configuration for Itron processing include the following:
Object Storage Locations: Itron OpenWay payload processing uses object storage locations (including Key Rings, Key Pairs and File Storage Configuration extendable lookup values) to capture usage and event payloads or exceptions that encounter errors during processing.
Head End Systems and Extendable Lookups: Itron payload processing uses head end system and extendable lookup configuration in the same manner as other adapters.
SGG Payload Processing Configuration Extendable Lookup Values: These values define payload processing details for the Itron head end system, and are referenced on the Itron Master Configuration (rather than on payload processing batch controls).
See Itron OpenWay Master Configuration for more information about configuring the system to process Itron OpenWay payloads and exceptions.