Support Hot Topic Emails
Oracle Support provides a way to receive daily or weekly updates on new information posted for Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management.
2. Select the Settings tab at the top of the Oracle Support portal. (Note: this tab may be hidden for you and may require clicking a dropdown on the right side of the tabs)
3. Once on the Settings screen, choose the Hot Topics E-mail from the set of options on the left.
4. Under Delivery Options, choose Send With Selected Options.
5. Choose your delivery frequency: either Daily or Weekly.
6. Add content which interests you: there are a number of options available. To subscribe to updates for Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management, hit the Add... button under Selected Products. Enter "Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management" for the Product then choose the types of information for which you'd like to receive an email.
7. Make sure you click Apply at the bottom once you've made all of your selections.