Understanding Usage Calculation Types
Usage calculation types define calculations executed at a customer level where there may be more than one calculation per usage subscription. For example, a customer may have a usage subscription for producing billing determinants but there may be additional calculations that will be executed on a much less frequent basis (annually, quarterly, etc). Usage calculation types provide a way to leverage a single usage subscription to drive multiple different calculations.
Usage calculation types use the following parameters:
Request Type: Used to drive the creation and processing of the usage transactions for all usage subscriptions that are valid for the usage calculation type.
Request types for usage calculation types should be based on the Usage Calculation Request Type business object (D2–UsageCalculationReqType)
Service Point Quantity Creation: Details of the quantities created by usage calculations of this type, including service point quantity type, and UOM, TOU, and SQI.
Applicable Usage Subscription Types: A list of usage subscription types for which this usage calculation type is applicable. Each usage subscription type is defined by an effective date range, the usage transaction business object used for the usage calculation, the result UOM/TOU/SQI, and the usage calculation group used to perform the calculations.