Base Product Aggregators
A number of standard aggregation processes are delivered as part of the base product. These provide a means of aggregating measurement data by postal code and service type for both physical meters and items.
Aggregator Name
Aggregator - Postal and Service Type
Aggregates measurement quantities for constituent measuring components from physical meter based on postal code and service type dimensions.
Item Aggregator - Postal and Service Type
Aggregates measurement quantities for constituent measuring component from items based on postal code and service type dimensions.
Aggregators Used With Analytics
Other aggregators shown below are delivered for use by Oracle Utilities Analytics and Oracle Utilities Analytics Visualization (OUAV). These aggregate measurement data (including quantities and counts) for constituent measuring components based on the following dimensions: Postal, City, Head-End, Device Type, Usage Calculation Group, Market and Service Provider, and Service Type.
Aggregator Name
Measurement Measured Quantity Aggregator
OUAV Subject Area: Meter - Aggregated Measurement Quantity
Aggregates measurement quantities and distributes the constituents' measurements across Value Identifiers based on condition codes.
Measurement Quality Count Aggregator
OUAV Subject Area: Meter - Aggregated Measurement Count
Aggregates measurement counts and distributes the constituents' counts across Value Identifiers based on condition codes.
Measurement Timeliness Count Aggregator
OUAV Subject Area: Meter - Aggregated Timeliness Count
Aggregates measurement counts that arrived on time or are late.
Measurement Timeliness Quantity Aggregator
OUAV Subject Area: Meter - Aggregated Timeliness Quantity
Aggregates measurement quantities that arrived on time or are late.
See the Oracle Utilities Analytics Visualization User Guide for more information about the OUAV Subject Areas.