Maintaining Aggregations
This portal is used to display and maintain Aggregations.
You can access the portal from the Main > Totals and Trends > Consumption Statistics. You are brought to a query portal with options for searching. Once your record has been selected you are brought to the maintenance portal to view and maintain the selected record.
The following zones may appear as part of the portal's Main tab page:
Measuring Component: defines the basic attributes of the aggregator measuring component.
Measuring Component Attributes: displays attributes that describe the dimensions and criteria for the aggregation measuring component (applies to dynamic aggregation measuring components only)
Measurements — Interval: displays aggregated measurement data for the selected aggregator measuring component.
Interval - Audit View: allows users to view an interval measurement curve for a given period overlaid with the count of audit records for each individual measurement.
Final Values Overlay: displays final measurements for a measuring component, and provides the ability to overlay the graphed data with final measurements from other measuring components.
Time of Use Overlay: displays an overlay of the TOU periods on a final interval measurement along with totalized TOU consumption based on a user-defined time period and TOU map
Related Measuring Component Sets: lists measuring components sets of which the aggregator measuring component is a member (applies to dynamic aggregation measuring components only)
Usage Subscriptions Directly Linked to MC: lists usage subscriptions that are directly linked to current measuring component